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On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 19:20:46 +0200
a_k_b <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> as you can see X uses about 44% of my memory at the moment (cpu time
> ok atm). when i restart x its all okay for a few hours again... but
> then its just the same again :-(
Ok , this soudnds rather aggrevating indeed.

could you think through what programs you are using on a regular basis,
since it probably is some program leaking pixmaps into X and failing to
reclaim them.

if you use gtk+ with pixbuf based graphics this could be a cause, to fix
if this is the case would be to change theme (to something simple.
thinice, cleanice, default) and kill all programs that are loading gtk+.

Otherwise I'd suggest playing some with either memprof or valgrind, both
will take quite some effort though, but should generally prove the
results fairly well once you've got a clue on what application is
sucking the RAM.

If its X by itself (clean Xsession + term left for a day or five) then
I'd be really curious.

gaim could well be a culprit since it loads a lot of logs and stuff in
RAM (connection states) and isn't the nicest of all apps I've ever seen.

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