Come-on... No fish in the Gentoo pond..tonight

I'm not asking for you to hold my hand. I just need someone to confirm whether or not 
I'm doing
this correctly. It seems that any time there's questions about "etc-update" everyone 
seems to be

I've layed out what my goal is, what I've done so far, and am only needing 
confirmation. I've read
to much info on in the Gentoo forums and am still perplexed..

--- Joshua Banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just fishing here..+ acouple of questions.
> ******************************************************
> "My Goal" in this posting:
> Is to learn how-to correctly manually update the files without the use of 
> "ect-update".  
> How to do this correctly, I'm unsure of so far.
> Being new I want to take the time to manually diff each file to see what the 
> differences are of
> which I know how to do,(using "diff" at its most basic level that-is) and is good 
> practice for
> me
> to get used to using "diff" as well as looking at the contents of these files to be 
> more
> familiar
> with my Gentoo surroundings/environment. I figure, if I know how to manually update 
> the needed
> files, VERSUS using "etc-update", that this will make my Gentoo experience that much 
> more
> fullfilling/enlightened, so to say..
> Please correct my thinking where you see fit. :P
> So with that being said, this is where I'm at so far:
> *******************************************************
> I ran,
> bash-2.05b# emerge -uD system
> After this runs for a few hours, (dialup,:P,), I get back:
>  * Regenerating GNU info directory index...
>  * Processed 56 info files.
>  * IMPORTANT: 25 config files in /etc need updating.
>  * Type emerge --help config to learn how to update config files.
> After looking at the info in "emerge --help config" I run,
> bash-2.05b# find /etc -iname '._cfg????_*'
> /etc/._cfg0000_inputrc
> /etc/._cfg0000_rc.conf
> /etc/._cfg0000_make.conf
> /etc/._cfg0000_make.globals
> /etc/._cfg0000_DIR_COLORS
> /etc/conf.d/._cfg0000_net
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_consolefont
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_checkfs
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_domainname
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_keymaps
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_net.eth0
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_modules
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_clock
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_hdparm
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_bootmisc
> /etc/init.d/
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_serial
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_checkroot
> /etc/._cfg0000_services
> /etc/._cfg0000_fstab
> /etc/._cfg0000_group
> /etc/._cfg0000_hosts
> /etc/._cfg0000_issue
> /etc/._cfg0000_dispatch-conf.conf
> /etc/._cfg0000_shells
> **********************************************************
> Now, this is where my questions come in. 
> Again, "My Goal", to manually update the files without the use of "ect-update".  
> How to do this correctly I'm unsure of and want confirmation of, please.
> **********************************************************
> At this point, I'm just manually "diff"ing each file, one by one. (Any suggestions 
> on using
> "diff"
> and "cp" in a better way than I'm using will be helpful & appreciated as well.)
> **********************************************************
> For example:
> bash-2.05b# diff make.globals ._cfg0000_make.globals
> 3c3
> < # $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/cnf/make.globals,v 1.48 2003/07/17 
> 04:46:52
> carpaski
> Exp $
> ---
> > # $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/cnf/make.globals,v 1.49 2003/08/21 
> > 01:01:26
> carpaski
> Exp $
> 44c44
> < FEATURES="sandbox ccache"
> ---
> > FEATURES="sandbox ccache autoaddcvs"
> 51c51
> ---
> ********************************************************
> At this point, (1)I know logically that I've never messed with this file and, (2)its 
> obvious
> that
> I want the new file in replace of the old one. Not only is it obvious but I was told 
> so:
> Quote:
> * NOTICE: PLEASE *REPLACE* your make.globals. All user changes to variables
>  * in make.globals should be placed in make.conf. DO NOT MODIFY make.globals.
>  * Feature additions are noted in help and make.conf descriptions. Update
>  * them using 'etc-update' please. Maintaining current configs for portage
>  * and other system packages is fairly important for the continued health
>  * of your system.
> End Quote:
> So would the correct thing to do in this (Specific) case, being inside the /etc 
> directory, too:
> 1)
> bash-2.05b# cp ._cfg0000_make.globals make.globals
> 2)
> bash-2.05b# rm ._cfg0000_make.globals
> Now my other question is:
> Assuming that this were the only file that had differences (hypothectically 
> speaking), WHAT, if
> anything do I need to do to next to let Gentoo know I've made the changes manually 
> instead of
> using "etc-update"? Again, correct my thinking of this where you see fit...if it 
> fits.. :P
> Thanks,
> Joshua Banks
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