Joshua Banks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Do I need to be a computer programmer now to figure out
> what files I can update safely and which
> ones I should ignore, keep, throw-out...ect.ect..????
> Now I know I'm new to this, but this seems a little ridiculous.

I agree.

> The only files that I'm familiar with are the ones that I
> touched durning the initial install.

I guess that might be an answer.  If etc-update can check (md5, or
otherwise) that the file has not been changed since the last update,
it can suggest to update all those files in one go.  That will leave
you with just the files that might require human judgement.  I can't
think of an example where you would not want to update a configuration
file that you did not change yourself.  (Oops, that is three negatives
in one sentence...)


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