On 14:27, mercoledì 17 settembre 2003, Joshua Banks wrote:

> 1) /etc/dispatch-conf.conf
> /etc/._cfg0000_dispatch-conf.conf

Don't know, I don't use it.

> 2) /etc/issue
> /etc/._cfg0000_issue

I kept mine, but if you replace it with the suggested one it won't hurt too 
much. This file contains the text that is displayed when an user login via VT 
(i.e., something like "welcome to host.domain.com (Linux i686 2.4.22) on 
tty6"). In case you had customized this a lot, it's better that you don't let 
it be overwritten. 

> 3) /etc/init.d/bootmisc
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_bootmisc
> 14) /etc/init.d/serial
> /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_serial

These are all boot-time scripts, that start various services or prepare things 
for the system to run correctly. My little humble advice is: if you didn't 
modify (or customize) the previous versions, then it's relatively safe to 
replace them with the new versions (I did, and had no problems).
The new versions introduce new functionalities, like better RAID handling and 
so on, and shouldn't affect "normal" system behavior.
Of course, it's always better not to do a blind upgrade, but instead ask 
etc-update to show you what it's doing, at least to have a rough 
understanding of the changes/improvements.


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