On Sun, 10 Apr 2005, Berger Gerald wrote:

After doing some hours of research, I discovered that there is no Type1 font encoded to render ISO-8859-1 symbols. Therefore ISO-10646 is used to translate the symbols. That causes partial wrong rendering.

I found a nice document: http://silas.psfc.mit.edu/tth/symfontconfig.html , which exactly explains the complication.
There is also a script provided ( http://silas.psfc.mit.edu/tth/symfontconfig.tar.gz ), which solves the problem. Now all mathematical symbols are displayed right and I am happy.

Goody! Vielen dank! (I think I got that right anyway :-)

Maybe I should write a bug-report or something..

Yes, that would be nice, so that others can find the solution... Preferably with the link to the above page and the script.

<german> Gruesse zurueck :) </german>

Oh, my german is a bit rusty to say the least, but is 'Herzlichen Gruesschen' completely wrong? What is the equivalent to 'Best regards' or 'Regards'?

Gruesse zurueck (see, I'm learning ;-)

Peter K
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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