On Sun, 17 Apr 2005, Richard Fish wrote:

> I also recommend reiserfs.
> I'm a laptop user, and just converted my filesystems from xfs to
> reiserfs for performance reasons.  With xfs, backing up my root
> filesystem (325000-350000 files) would take a bit over 10 minutes
> usually.  With reiserfs, that time is down to 6-7 minutes.  It just
> can't be beat (IMO) for handling lots and lots of small files.

In terms of reliability (I manage servers for a living ;-), I have never
had any problems with ext2/ext3 - it is rock solid even after crashes.

I too tried out Reiserfs on my laptop and after one crash it blew away a
file I was editing at the time (it turned into binary "mush"). However, I
have used ReiserFS on an older, slower (Pentium III) server at home
without any problems so far.

As far as XFS goes (I have it on an old SGI server), it has great
performance (this is on a web server serving many many sites) but since
the server is in a data center with backup UPS and generators it is a good
choice for that situation.

Overall, I would say it depends on the machine, its location and what uses
the machine will be put to.

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