On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 11:20:45 +0930, Iain Buchanan wrote:

> > Having said that, I'd go with Sony. You know you are getting good
> > quality with them,
> really?  but do you know that you're getting sony?  If you're referring
> to LG as being "not so good", then how about this:  a friend of mine
> bought a sony cd burner, only to find it was just a rebadged lg burner,

It doesn't matter who made it. Sony have a reputation for quality, so
they are unlikely to supply anything that would affect that reputation. I
didn't say that LG were "not so good", although I do find they way they
set their CDRW drives to self-destruct on receipt of a standard MMC3
command rather disturbing.

Neil Bothwick

"One world, one web, one program"  -- Microsoft promotional ad
"Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer"  -- Adolf Hitler

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