On Tue, 3 May 2005 14:58:45 +0000, Calvin Spealman wrote:

> ASCII? OK... talking about plain text is one thing, but ASCII? That's
> just dumb. If you are going to use plain text, at least agree that we
> need something better than ASCII. There are people speaking other
> languages you know.

I know, bad choice of terminology. I meant plain text, bnot restrictied
to the 7bit ASCII character set.

> Thinking we should stick to ASCII is even more a
> sign of your stubborness than thinking we should stick to unformatted
> text just because you don't like it, even though you can filter the
> formatting out and leave the text the way you like it.

Who said the text should be unformatted? There is a lot you can do with
text to improve the readability and ensure your message is conveyed
correctly, without filling it with useless tags in an effort to firce my
mailer to use your preferences.

> Oh, but no,
> since you don't like it, no one should be able to use it at all. Yeah,
> that makes a lot more sense.

No one said you can't use it, but its use is not welcome on this list
(and many others). You an I are visitors here and as such, good manners
dictate that we should abide by the wishes of our hosts. One of those
wishes is to not use HTML mails.

I'm not saying HTML is wrong, I'm not saying HTML is bad, but it is
inappropriate for this list.

Neil Bothwick

What's this script doing? unzip ; touch ; finger ; mount ; gasp ; yes ;
umount ; sleep

Attachment: pgpN96cyFCr1X.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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