Pere Gentoo wrote:

>>These are the USE-switches available to customize this package.
>>[ebuild   R   ] net-misc/unison-2.12.2  -doc +gtk +gtk2 0 kB
>>Here, unison gets built with gtk and gtk2 support, but without
>Then how to specify I would like the documentation too. Adding the USE
>flag on make.conf? or as an optional parameter on emerge?
If you add a USE-flag to make.conf, it will be used for all future emerges.
To change a USE-flag for a single package, you can do one of the following:

enable documentation for unison:
# echo "net-misc/unison doc" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

enable documentation only for version 2.12.2 of unison:
# echo "=net-misc/unison-2.12.2 doc" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

>If I leave make.conf with no one USE flag, then each package will
>install with its default flags, isn't it? Would this be a good idea
>for a begginer?
It would work, but you should optimize your USE-flags to your system.
E.g. if you use kde and don't want gnome, add "-gnome" to your make.conf.

>Would be easy to go inside Gentoo with an active list like this. I think, no?
It helps a lot ;-)

You should also have a look at the beautiful documentation on An Introduction into USE-flags can be found at


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