Jaap van Geffen wrote:
On Tue, 2005-05-03 at 08:42 -0300, Allan Spagnol Comar wrote:
Hi I am a new gentoo user and I got some doubts about the USE flags, I
know this question should be post allot and I apologize for that, but
I was wondering, I am not using any USE flags I got GNOME and ALSA on
my system; it will make any diference use then, or by not putting any
use flags it got all .....

Sorry for the question, and thank you all.

Don't mind,but what's your question??

My question is if I build a system, like installing software and I do not have setted any USE flags this will change the software, like I emerge anjuta ( Development IDE for Gnome ) without gtk or gnome Flags will make any diference ? If will make diference, how do I know what flags each package need.

Sory the poor english, but this are my doubts.

Thank you. Allan

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