* On Thu May-12-2005 at 03:17:56 PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> > I have users accessing to the bash shell of my Gentoo Server, my
> > question is:
> > 
> > How can secure my server with this users accessing to shell? ,
> >>You can't trust your users. That's the idea.
> That's the point, my server is a DataBase Server, I mean, users log in
> and run a C++ script and then they work with the database files.. THEY
> HAVE TO LOG IN, so there's only few that has access to the bash shell,
> because they need it!!!... so, I ask again, there is some tools, command
> that help me to monitoring, securing this server??

Is it possible for them to work with this DB using some client app
running on another machine? You haven't said much about your situation
but perhaps there is another way besides them having shell access to
that server.

Sami Samhuri

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