Antoine wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just realised that we have a dedicated mail server - that means
> that there are no legacy apps tying us to the doze OS that is currently
> running it :-). Basically, if I can convince the techie (who is a linux
> user, though not a fanatic like me ;-)) that there are free alternatives
> to what we have now (he said "MailDaemon", if that is a brand and not
> just a "mail daemon"...) that are more reliable and stable alternatives
> then I can probably convince him (to convince the boss) to change.
> I would like to have people's opinions on the most stable, reliable,
> fastest, securest, lowest maintenance mail servers in *both* open source
> and proprietary worlds. Basically if there is a proprietary windoze
> server app that is much better, I will just keep my mouth shut. At the
> moment we have reboots every few weeks and mail sits there for ages
> sometimes before being delivered...
> There is only one real requirement apart from being the best (:-)), and
> that is that there is a fully featured web client (we are currently
> using WorldClient). We only have web access to our mail from offsite.
> Thanks for your time!
> Antoine
> ps. I guess there are extra issues like virus scanning (all our desktops
> and almost all our serveurs are running doze...), and whatnot - these
> are issues that I guess are taken for granted when recommending a "best".
> pps. I know nothing about email!

The following configuration is used for few hundreds users, with:
20 Mb message size limit
5000 files per message limit
5000 messages sent/day
7000 messages received/day
The user database is shared with other applications.

smtp       : postfix + pop-before-smtp
pop3, imap : courier
antivirus  : amavisd + clamd + H+BEDV AntiVir
             (twice scanned because we had unrecognized virus in
              the past)
database   : mysql
webmail    : horde/imp + php + imap (other server)
antispam   : -none-

the iron under is amd64 dual opteron, used for _other_ heavy tasks

To port the user from whatever mail daemon the most simply road is
export them in a text file, then translate it to sql (INSERT INTO ...).

IMHO the best MTA avaiable in opensource world are Postfix and Qmail,
always IMHO the opensource MTA are better than the commercial alternatives.

. These pages are best viewed by coming to my house and looking at   .
. my monitor. [S. Lucas Bergman (on his website)]                    .
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