Catalin Grigoroscuta wrote:

> I did emerge --sync this morning, and this is from the output of 
> emerge -up system:
> <<<
> [blocks B     ] <www-client/mozilla-1.7.3-r3 (is blocking
> media-libs/freetype-2.1.9-r1)
> >>>
> But I guess mozilla 1.7.8-r1 is fine, I will try that.
> Thanks for the info,
> Catalin

Sorry if my response sounded rude.  It wasn't meant was genuine
surprise and confusion!

I think you want "emerge -Duvp world".  Using 'system' only looks at
upgrading a small subset of all packages.  And without the 'D' (--deep)
option, emerge only considers at things in the world (or system)
file...not their dependancies.  So to get an update of everything, you
need "emerge --deep --update --pretend --verbose world"

If you haven't done that in a long while, be a bit careful...and plan a
weekend for the upgrade.  It will be a huge number of packages to emerge.

You could also just specify the --deep option for updating mozilla,
although again, the number of things to update may surprise you.

If you have any more trouble with it, try posting the output of "emerge
--deep --pretend --tree --verbose mozilla freetype xorg-x11".  And don't
be afraid to ask us for advice or feedback.


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