* Mark Knecht ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> If you were very judicious you might, possibly, somehow get it into
> 3GB but that would be tight. My smallest installation right now is a
> Pundit-R running fluxbox and MythTV. I uses about 2.4GB:
> myth11 root # df
> Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda3              7610488   2384076   4839820  34% /
> none                     94900         0     94900   0% /dev/shm
> myth11 root #
> You could solve about 1GB of the problem by making the portage
> directory be a network mount if you have NFS running somewhere. I did
> not do that above so really I'm only using about 1GB and making good
> use of a 2.5GHz Celeron D.

Interesting.  For future reference how might I go about moving the
portage directory?  I am surprised that it would use that much space,
but perhaps that is why I am seeing such a difference in space usage
between this Gentoo installation and previous distros.

> That said I think you'd go nuts building all this stuff on a 450MHz
> machine. I just tried doing a Gentoo installation on an XBox a month
> or two ago. That was 750MHz but far less memory. Things took days due
> to swapping.

You would very probably be right, except that I am just trying to get
a test install up to see if I even like the way it works.  I am a
longtime Slackware user, but I have been less happy with that distro
as Gnome is hard to work with.  I don't actually use Gnome, but it is
important to other things and so causes me difficulties.  I am a
ratpoison guy myself.

If I really like this I may move my main machine to it.  That one is
a more reasonable, though still not fast, Athlon XP 2000+ setup.  The
hard drive is bigger too, but I wanted to sort out where the space was
going so that I would have a better understanding of what is going
on.  I am just not much for waste I suppose.

> Hope this helps,
> Mark


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