On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 08:21:23PM +0200, Holly Bostick wrote

> DosBox is working well for me (although I have not used it for much as yet).
> As far as I can tell, you might well be able to run some Win 3.1 and Win
> 95 games under it (since there aren't any Win 3.1 games, they were DOS
> games, and half of the Win95 games were just DOS games with a GUI
> installer/loader stuck on ($DEITY, those were hell to get running).

  Finally got it running.  Since SDL is hooked into svgalib (at least on
my system) I had to...
  - modprobe svgalib_helper (which creates /dev/svga and /dev/svga1)
  - chmod u+s /usr/games/bin/dosbox (with the usual security disclaimer)
  - and remember that svgalib has to be emerged every time I rebuild the

  My startup messages include...
> CONFIG: Using default settings. Create a configfile to change them
> ALSA:Can't subscribe to MIDI port (65:0)
> MIDI:Opened device:none

  The config I'll get to later.  My question right now is how do I get
midi connected.

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