Christian Panten wrote:

>first I have to say, that I post the same question in alt.os.linux.gentoo.
>Sorry for cross posting. I hope anyone of you can help me solving my
>problem. Thx.
>I have bought a D-Link DWL-G650 108MBit PCMCIA-Wireless lan card. I have an
>Acer Travelmate 524tx. I want to use this card to connect to a wireless lan
>at home.
>The card has an Atheros chipset. So I have installed the madwifi driver.
>First I jave tried to connect to the wireless lan over WPA-PSK. I did not
>connect. Then I have tried to connect to an open wireless lan. There I was
>successful but the I can't send or receive any data. 
>A ping to the router returns the error message, that there are wrong data

Strange...from the ping data, it looks like the card fails to return
some bits at a fairly regular interval.

However, there are the things I would try, in order of most-likely to
least-likely to help!

1. Disable G mode on the access point/router to force 'B' mode
connection.  Also, if possible, disable any 'turbo' mode options in the
access point.  Basically, we are trying to remove any data rates above

2. Try setting different channels on the access point.  To get a quickly
updating status on signal stregth and quality, you can use a command like:

    while sleep .5; do clear ; iwconfig ath0 ; done

3. See if you get different results by pinging another host on the network.

4. Remove IPv6 support from the kernel..

I doubt this is actually a conflict between the cardbus bridge and the
G650 though.  If that were the problem, I would expect lockups, lost
interrupts, crashes, and so on.

If this doesn't help, try browsing/searching/posting the madwifi-users
list.  I searched for "packet loss" which is where I got the ideas on #1

Finally, you have my compliments for an excellent and thorough request
for help!



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