> I guess I have to run emerge sync and emerge -uD world on each client
> still,
> but they use the http replicator instead of gentoo servers.... for both
> updating the portage/rsync files and downloading the distfiles (via the
> http
> replicator)?

In the case of distfiles and sync's, you're still using primary gentoo
servers for the first fetch; the cached files are used after that.

Basically emerge is going to want a file foo.tar.bz2 to complete an ebuild;
it builds a url in the form of http://gentoo.mirror.com/gentoo/ that comes
from /etc/make.conf and adds the necessary components
"/distfiles/foo.tar.bz2".  It then calls wget to retrieve the components.
Since the http-replicator proxy is in use, when wget calls through the proxy
it will see if foo.tar.bz2 is in the cache; if so it returns the cached
copy.  If not it is retrieved from the url provided by wget so
gentoo.mirror.com is used for the retrieval.
For sync the primary server handles the emerge --sync against the official
gentoo mirror; internal systems sync against the local server, but the data
still originates from the official gentoo mirrors.

> I still have to run 'emerge -uD world' on the server/workstation
> manually each day?

Each system is still administrated as if it is a standalone box; so you can
choose to or not to "emerge -uD world" on a system by system basis.

My primary rsync/http-replicator server is also my mail server, web server,
firewall, etc.  I try not to "emerge -uD world" on it until I really have
to.  It's your decision on your end when to do it on the server.

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