On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 09:09:42 +0100, Mick wrote:

> > I want to choose console or X from grub, so i'm thinking i'll do
> > something like 'rc-update delete xdm 4' and then pass softlevel=4 to
> > my grub boot line, to make runlevel 4 a console runlevel. Is that the
> > right way to do it?  
> You could create a new default runlevel for this purpose, or you could
> try passing the 'nox' option to the kernel, at boot time.  There was a
> bug filed some time ago because an xinit update broke this option, but
> I believe it has been fixed now.  Try it and see if this is what you
> need.

The correct option is gentoo=nox. nox on its own sometimes works, but
it's not the proper way to do it.

Neil Bothwick

SITCOM: Single Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage

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