On Monday 05 July 2010 23:46:54 Jake Moe wrote:
> I've recently installed a new system, and can't seem to get UVESAFB
> working properly.  I've set up everything in the kernel, and modified
> GRUB's menu.lst to use the framebuffer.  However, even though there
> doesn't seem to be any errors, I can't seem to get anything other than
> "default" resolution with far too large fonts.
> I've compared dmesg info, GRUB configs and kernel configs between this
> laptop, and another laptop that has UVESAFB running fine, and am at a
> loss to find what's wrong.

Stating the obvious, have you emerged fbcondecor, ran /etc/init.d/fbcondecor 
start and then added it to your boot runlevel?


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