On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Paul Hartman
<paul.hartman+gen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I recently upgraded my kernel to and my KDE to 4.5. After
> rebooting, I have some weird, possibly unrelated issues:

This is partially solved, and was not KDE related at all afterall. I
did suffer the same slowdown in Gnome, XFCE, LXDE and KDE.

> In X the UI responsiveness randomly goes bad, keyboard especially. At
> first it'll be fine, then simply using Konsole and typing will begin
> to slow down. Also, screen output in general seems to freeze until I
> touch the mouse or keyboard. Even something like listing a directory.
> It's really weird... It gets so bad that it becomes completely
> unresponsive, freezing for minutes at a tie. It eventually un-freezes
> momentarily, long enough to logout and back in at least. I disabled
> desktop effects but it still had the same problem. I tried Gnome
> briefly last night before going to sleep and didn't experience this
> slowdown problem.

I downgraded to kernel and everything runs smoothly again. No
more hangs or sluggishness. It would seem that something in 2.6.35
series kernels does not like my computer, or something in my computer
does not like 2.6.35 series kernels.

Based on LKML lurking I guess I'll need to learn how to git bisect the
kernel and prepare myself for many reboot cycles. Either that or keep
using old kernel and hope my problem is fixed either on purpose or by
accident in future kernel releases.

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