On 2010-10-16 04:24, Jeff Cranmer wrote:
> OK, so let's have a go at the ATI drivers again.
> First, get rid of the open source ati drivers
> emerge --unmerge -av radeon-ucode xf86-video-ati

Why? Unless you have problems with space I'd keep it because eventually
there will be support for your chipset (right now it's in "alpha" or
maybe "beta" phase).

You don't need to unmerge the open source ati drivers, it can peacefully
coexist with the proprietary drivers. Just don't use it until they've
gone stable.

> Editing the /etc/make.conf file to change the last line to
> VIDEO_CARDS="fglrx"

I have: VIDEO_CARDS="radeon fglrx vesa" with fglrx working fine.

> then running emerge -NDuav system changes the mesa driver so that I have
> no valid selections for "VIDEO_CARDS=", so I'll unmerge mesa
> emerge --unmerge -av mesa

xorg-server depends on mesa unless you run USE=minimal.

> running emerge -NDuav world identified the xorg-drivers and pm-utils
> packages that have changed, and attempts to re-emerge mesa, so I'll
> unmerge those two
> emerge --unmerge -av xorg-drivers pm-utils

Don't have pm-utils installed so can't tell anything about them but if
you're relying on powermanagement (laptop?) then maybe you should keep it?

> run aticonfig --initial to create an xorg.conf file.

Where did you place your xorg.conf file? It should be located in
/etc/X11/xorg.conf. If I remember correctly, the aticonfig tool creates
an xorg.conf in your working directory and you have to move it to /etc/X11/.

> Hmm - the xorg.log file has this error.
> atiddxDriScreenInit failed, GPS not been initialized.

Do you have dri enabled? I.e. is there an dri module available?


Best regards

Peter K

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