On 9 November 2010 10:08, Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It sounds like I'm really going against the grain here.  Is it
> standard practice to hire a developer on the internet from any given
> country, never meet him or her, have them fax a signed NDA, and turn
> over your biggest asset to them?

:-) No way. :-) That is a recipe for disaster.

Firstly, in general, when it comes to code: you get what you pay for.
And bad code will cost you much more in the long run than simply
paying more for good code.

Now that doesn't mean that by definition all cheap(er) developers are
bad (or that all expensive ones are good) but the odds are not in your
favour. So if you still want to pay less then go with a reputable
company that provides that service. (I don't mean IBM, I mean some
company in India or Russia.) You'll not only get your developers but
you'll also be guaranteed that they'll be "automatically" replaced
should they leave the company.

You still have to insist on talking to the developers. Make sure they
can code and know what they're talking about. I think you'll find that
it takes a *lot* of time and effort (and a teaspoon of luck) to create
a good team.

And handling a distributed team in different timezones is hard work
too. You'll need a lot more documentation which then will still be
interpreted incorrectly. Yes, I'm talking for experience. :-)

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