On 11/09/2010 05:08 AM, 李健 wrote:
I don't know how to solve this, but I hope the following messages may help you.

 >>> Messages generated by process 14982 on 2010-10-18 23:54:00 CST for package

WARN: postinst
If you don't use GDM or KDM for logging in,
you must start your desktop environment (DE) as follows:
         ck-launch-session $STARTGUI
Where $STARTGUI is a DE-starting command such as 'gnome-session'.
You should add this to your ~/.xinitrc if you use startx.

I don't know how I missed that message after emerging consolekit ten times, but
I missed it.  Thanks, I'll give that a try.

2010/11/6 walt <w41...@gmail.com <mailto:w41...@gmail.com>>

    When I turned on the consolekit useflag, all the nice auto-mounting stuff in
    gnome stopped working.

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