On 19/11/2010, at 8:45pm, Fatih Tümen wrote:
> I just want to beware of anything unusual instantly, preferably by
> email. This is a single or two user laptop.

I've been meaning for some time to look for something like this myself. I'm 
personally only interested in messages from the RAID controller, and I'm not 
sure that I'm a high-risk for intrusion, but I do want to know about it 
*immediately* if a drive fails, so that ideally I can pop into the store on the 
way home and pick up a new disk to replace the one that failed.

> ...
> I also checked logsurfer which comes with a init script, however, no
> working configuration file and sort of confusing examples.

I don't really have a problem with the examples on these pages:

Or with these explanations [PDF]:

The examples contain a lot of brackets and stuff, but those seem merely to be 
regular expressions, and if you don't know regex then learning them will pay 
dividends in other future projects. logsurfer's syntax and the use of 
"contexts" is not completely clear to me with only the quick glance I've made 
in the 10 minutes its taken me to write this message, but I'm extremely 
confident I could have it up and running to meet my needs within an hour. The 
documentation seems no more complex than any other man page. I'm pretty sure 
you would understand what's going on if you were only to follow the examples 
and have a play with them.

Be sure to use the `start-mail` script you find in the doc/contrib directory, 
not any others you find floating around the net:

The doc/contrib script seems to address the issue of escape sequences (although 
I'm about to do some more homework on this subject).


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