Stroller writes:

> All I want is a simple email notification when $string appears in the
> log.
> I'm actually a little surprised that there isn't a syslogger which can
> parse stuff as it writes it out, and thus perform actions, such as
> mailing. I'm assuming there isn't, since no-one has mentioned it.

If you only neet to filter for single lines, I'd think every syslogger can 
do this. I have this in /etc/metalog.conf:

ISDN calls :
  facility = "kern"
  regex    = "isdn_tty: call from"
  logdir   = "/var/log/callers"
  command  = "/usr/local/sbin/"

Password failures :
    regex    = "(password|login|authentication)\s+(fail|invalid)"
    regex    = "(failed|invalid)\s+(password|login|authentication|user)"
    regex    = "ILLEGAL ROOT LOGIN"
    logdir   = "/var/log/pwdfail"
#   command  = "/usr/local/sbin/"

The scripts get the syslog line as argument. However, the script would be called twice because I get two 
matching lines when I give a wrong password (one by pam_unix, one by 


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