On Saturday 05 February 2011 18:00:10 Mick wrote:
> On Saturday 05 February 2011 15:27:27 Walter Dnes wrote:

> >   In "make menuconfig", I do not have any drivers enabled under...
> >   
> >     Device Drivers  --->
> >     
> >       Graphics support  --->
> >       -*- Support for frame buffer devices  --->
> > 
> > but I still have /dev/fb0 show up.  Under...
> > 
> >       Console display driver support  --->
> > 
> > the line...
> > 
> >       -*- Framebuffer Console support
> > 
> > indicates that framebuffer console support is enabled, whether I like it
> > or not.  This is part and parcel of the ARI Radeon driver.  Without it,
> > no X.
> Right, but a framebuffer (KMS driven or vesa, et al.) is not a bad thing.
> Just try video=1024x768 (or whatever your desired resolution is) on the
> kernel line and it should just work.

Oops!  Walter please ignore this message ... I just saw that you have solved 
it on your later reply.

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