On Saturday 05 February 2011 19:43:11, Cedric Sodhi wrote:
> There are several reasons why portage, neither the tree nor (especially
> not) the distfiles should reside in /usr.
> /var is expected to be heavily written and read from, as it is the case
> with the portage tree.
> It's possibly subject to fragmentation and small file sizes and heavy
> changes, which is usually accounted for my choosing an appropriate
> filesystem and configuring it accordingly.
> /usr is expected to be a static directory with mostly read access and
> few to no changes on a running system.
> This issue seems to have been ignored for a long time. When I asked
> about it, I met two types of responses:
> a) Those who thought about it and agreed, that portage should be moved
> b) Those who replied "deal with it"
> If you can think of good counter arguement which *logically* supports
> that portage should by default reside in /usr (including the distfiles
> and everything else variable) please tell us. If not, please refrain
> from logically irrelevant statements such as the above, "you can always
> do <insert some random workarround here>" or similar ones.
> If you have further arguments to support my point, I'd also welcome them
> to the discussion,
> I expect 90% or more of the real arguments to support my point.
> I've also heard rumours that such an outcome has already been there in
> the past, yet, gentoo developers ignored it and kept portage in /usr for
> unknown and most likely unlogical reasons. I believe these rumours.
> If again, the logical conclusion will be that portage should be moved
> but it is not acted upon but logic is ignored, please ask yourself what
> kind of distribution we are.
> "It is a community built around a distribution which is driven by
> more than 300 developers and thousands of users. "
> regards, MD

Portage DEFAULTS to /usr/portage as the location for the tree etc. While that 
may be wrong, you can always change the PORTDIR variable in make.conf ( same 
with DISTDIR and PKGDIR ). Since it's something you can change in the very 
beginning of the installation, I wouldn't count that as a workaround ( as 
symlinking, (re)mounting etc. would be ). I don't see where the problem is ? 
There is nothing wrong with portage itself in that matter. One could propose to 
change the default PORTDIR in make.globals and in the docs though.


Meik Frischke

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