On Monday 18 April 2011 22:31:38 Harry Putnam wrote:
<snipped - Not familiar with CISCO specifics>

> So, cutting to the chase; can anyone recommend from actual use, a home
> lan router that has gigabit lan ports and very configurable/
> informative logging options?

Not familiar with specific types, but I've had best results with the routers 
from Zyxel. The one I used to use (ADSL) would provide a lot of information 
via SNMP and other logging-options.
Also, this one had no problem with multiple (1000+) simultaneous connections. 
Which is something other brands suffer from regularly.

> ps - I'm not interested in running an old linux or openbsd, machine as
> router.  Having a silent cool router the size and weight of a medium
> book is too appealing.

I understand the sentiment. I've since stopped using pre-made routers as I had 
the machine running anyway as a home-server and moving the router/firewall/... 
onto the server wasn't too much of a change and did mean I could switch off a 
small device.


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