Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> writes:

>> After turning remote admin on, and setting a single IP address to be
>> able to connect... I still cannot access it for remote admin on 8080.
> Did you try this from the Internet, or from within your LAN?

Inside lan.  I guess you are saying that connection is expected be from

Haven't had the opportunity for that yet.  The only remote machine I
have access is to is a shell account on a gentoo machine, so lynx, and
I've seen on home lan that the device responds to lynx telling me I
need a newer browser, when I hit it by IP using lynx.

Jumping up the thread a bit now, after Pauls excellent input.  I see
that iptables cmd is known on the OS, but man I really had not wanted
to pound my way thru iptables to the point of competency.

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