On 2011-05-12 23:44, Dale wrote:

> Your questions don't disprove what me and others have posted.  As I have

I think Alans point is that while the KDE developers (volunteers, or
paid for) have certain goals which may or may not be tangential to yours
(clearly, in the case of KDE3 vs KDE4 they are not). So unless you pay
someone to have your specific requirements satisfied you don't get to
 The volunteers have an "itch to scratch", i.e. they want some certain
functionality which they care about and are, probably, not interested in
anything else. Paid for developers are (probably/most likely) being told
what to work on. And developer resources are, probably, scarce so... If
you (and others) wish KDE3 to be supported then you either need to: 1.
Support/maintain KDE3 yourselves. 2. Pay someone to support/maintain
KDE3. That's the way it works, which is also somewhat valid for
commercial software, but you usually don't get the option of paying the
producer to maintain your specific version unless you are a _big_
customer (with lots of money), but with open source you at least have
the option of "scratching an itch" yourself or paying someone to do the
work for you (and even pool resources with people who share the same

> mistake.  I point it out so that hopefully it won't be made again.

Of course, anyone can have an opinion! :-D

Best regards

Peter K

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