On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Allan Gottlieb <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, May 26 2011, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
>> On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Allan Gottlieb <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
>>> Since I don't teach again until sept, this seems like a good time to try
>>> gnome 3.  Before I do, I wonder how others have fared.
>>> thanks,
>>> allan
>>> PS my system is ~amd64.
>> I actually like it a lot. However, a lot of things are not
>> customizable, and several other things behave completely different
>> from GNOME 2. I've been using it since the last month or so, and I
>> think I'm already used to the new UI. I believe it's a little faster
>> than GNOME 2, and it definitely get less in the way to actually do
>> work.
> Thank you.  Some forum posts suggest that upgrading to gnome3 from
> gnome2 is difficult.  Did you
> 1.  Upgrade from 2.32.1
> 2.  Unmerge 2.32.1 then merge 3
> 3.  Do a fresh install of gentoo w/o gnome and then install gnome3
> 4.  Do something else

All of the above? :D

I keyworded and unmasked the necessary packages to make
=gnome-base/gnome-3.0.0 emergable; then I upgraded like usual. There
were some problems, but usually solvable by emerge -C the offending
package (and older version, generally). I removed (after backup)
~/.gconf, ~/.gnome2* ~/.metacity ~/.nautilus and ~/.evolution (I
*think* this was not really necessary, by I wanted to see a "pristine"
GNOME 3). At the end, I emerge --depclean, and then after a couple of
emerge -uDNvp world everything went to normal. I haven't had  any
problem since then.

Oh, at some point I emerge @preserved-rebuild and then again emerge --depclean.

It took a couple of days of try/error, and be warned that you should
do this fom a VT, not from X (unless you do it under twm or something
like that).

Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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