I've got my drive partitioned, but I WILL read up on sfdisk.  Thanks for the 

On Friday 17 June 2011 12:27:15 am Andrea Conti wrote:
> Hello,
> > However, the good drive started on sector 63 and the new drive want's to
> > start on sector 2048.  Fdisk won't let me create the partition table on
> > the new drive as it is on the old drive.
> Recent versions of fdisk require partitions to begin on a 1MB boundary;
> this among other things guarantees that there are no alignment issues
> with 4k-sector drives.
> If you really need to use fdisk for this task you can start it in
> compatibility mode (i.e. "fdisk -c=dos").
> The recommended way of preparing the new drive, though, is to simply use
> sfdisk to copy the partition table from the existing one:
> sfdisk -d <old drive> | sfdisk -L <new drive>
> andrea


Take care and have fun,
Mike Diehl.

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