On Wed, 22 Jun 2011 11:53:19 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> > As Daniel said, this is what portage needs, it's been that way since
> > the autounmask stuff was introduced.   
> In other words, we must now all end up with giganticly bloated 
> package.use files to satisfy every "built with use" requirement 
> system-wide? What's wrong with looking at the defaults and saying 
> "Gee, you know what, the implicit rules on the box are going to do the 
> right thing anyway, so let's proceed and build the stuff?"

Are you saying the fltk is/would be built with -cairo anyway and the
recommended addition changes nothing? That sounds extremely undesirable
as it would make maintaining package.use much harder.

I was under the impression portage only did this if the USE flags for a
package needed to be changed from the current settings.

Neil Bothwick

"Everything takes longer than expected, even when you take
  into account Hoffstead's Law." - Hoffstead's Law

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