On 6/23/2011 1:04 AM, Dale wrote:
> Mike Edenfield wrote:
>> On 6/22/2011 2:35 PM, Dale wrote:

>>> You have decided to build cantor with no backend.
>>> To have this application functional, please do one of below:
>>>      # emerge -va1 '='kde-base/cantor-4.6.4 with 'R' USE flag enabled
>>>      # emerge -vaDu sci-mathematics/maxima

>> The odds of you ever needing to use cantor are practically nil. And if
>> you did, you'd probably already have R installed and know what FORTRAN
>> was.  So, don't worry about it.

> I never noticed it being there.  So, naw I don't need it.  Good ole
> kde-meta pulled it in tho.

My point was, you can install cantor without R (or maxima) and it will
complain loudly that "I'm installing myself broken!"... but it *will*
install. And if you never run it, you never need R, thus you never need
+fortran, and your gcc will be much happier.


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