Alan Mackenzie wrote:

Hmmm.  Yes.  The problem is not so much the reading, but that the
pertinent text is only fleetingly on the screen.  I'm quite sure I saw
these warnings, but their seriousness didn't impinge on my consciousness.

Are these warnings stored in a log anywhere?  Looking for them in ebuilds
before emerging would be a bit tedious.

Or maybe it needs a script which would take the output of "emerge -puND
world", extract the ebuild names, and run them through "grep ewarn".  Or
does such already exist?

There are tools for that:

root@fireball / # eix app-portage/elog
[I] app-portage/elogv
     Available versions:  0.7.4{tbz2} ~0.7.4-r1
     Installed versions:  0.7.4{tbz2}(02:43:28 PM 05/17/2011)
Description: Curses based utility to parse the contents of elogs created by Portage

[I] app-portage/elogviewer
     Available versions:  0.5.2-r2{tbz2} ~0.6.1 ~0.6.2 ~0.6.2-r1
     Installed versions:  0.5.2-r2{tbz2}(04:17:22 PM 05/17/2011)
Description: GTK+ based utility to parse the contents of elogs created by Portage

Found 2 matches.
root@fireball / #

That should help. I liked it when all the messages like that were saved until the end of the emerge then displayed. I rarely sit and watch for the stuff scroll by anymore.


:-)  :-)

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