On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I'm very curious - did you happen to try appending something like
>> init=/sbin/init 1
>> to the boot kernel command and seeing what happens? That might be
>> instructive about where it's really getting to or what is stopping it
>> from proceeding.
> Mark, I rm'ed all of it and created a new vm again.   did all the
> steps with /dev and the rest of  normal install.
> This time around the vm cannot find any media to boot from although I
> created boot and all that with grub etc.
> I even added the `init 1' line you suggested... but since the media is
> not found when I try to boot into the vm... of course it does nothing.
> So, enough time wasted.. I'm sorry to cave on you when you asked for a
> result of the init 1 parameter....

No apologies necessary.

> I don't have any idea where to look for the problem of not finding the
> media but probably some kind of pilot error.
> I need to get some work done with a vm so going with debian.
> Its working now... tarsnap server is ready to be setup for tarsnap.
> Done it about 1/2 hour.
> I really appreciate your kind patience.. and have kept the thread for
> next time I get the urge to create a gentoo vm.  Very good input and
> it does not go to waste since I seem to end up trying a gentoo vm
> guest every few mnths.
> Thanks to Neil as well.  Always appreciate the sharp eyed comments.

As a follow-up to your problems, and because I'm just plain interested
in this /dev/null,console question, I decided to create a completely
new Gentoo VM myself from scratch this morning. I'm going FAR more
slowly than usual as, like you, I need to get other things done. Also
that I'd like to understand what the tarball does actually provide,
and also when everything in /dev really comes together correctly. (If
indeed it does come together correctly.)

I'll post back how it's going. My first observation is that the stage3
tarball only provides /dev/null as a normal file and nothing else. I
would guess that this is incorrect as I would think that if the normal
file is there then the special file won't get created later.  I've
never studied how the /dev directory gets created so this will be a
learning experience for me.

As for having to get some work done, I completely understand. Just
don't give up on us here in Gentoo land, be we real OR virtual...


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