On Thursday 07 July 2011 14:59:11 walt did opine thusly:
> On 07/06/2011 01:11 AM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > So I switched to -9999 nouveau and now I have endless shit with
> > crashes. But I can tolerate that and not whinge.
> Just today I tried the nouveau driver again after almost a year, and
> found no change.  The test was on my elderly machine with an
> ancient GeForce FX 5200.  I'm sure the nouveau devs lost interest
> in that chip long ago, so no surprise.
> When I run glxgears with the proprietary nvidia driver I get 3000
> FPS. With nouveau I get 54 FPS.
> No, that's not a typo.  The proprietary driver is 55 times faster
> than nouveau.
> What results are you seeing?

About 850 FPS or so with glxgears.

IIRC the nVidia driver could go to 2000+ FPS.

This is on a GeForce 8600M GT (NV50 generation). Outright performance 
isn't my main interest, I don't do gaming or video rendering, I hardly 
even watch movies at all on this notebook - YouTube twice a day is 
about the most video stress I exert on it. And the fancy KDE candy 
effects are disabled.

What I'm after is Free Software with KMS. And stable suspend/resume, I 
consider that important. In that regard nouveau easily matches the 
nVidia driver so I'm happy.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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