On 07/11/11 09:45, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> Gentoo devs don't mark software as stable, they mark ebuilds as stable.
> This has no direct link to the usability of the software itself.

Nuh uh. From http://devmanual.gentoo.org/keywording/index.html,

arch (x86, ppc-macos)
    Both the package version and the ebuild are widely tested, known to
    work and not have any serious issues on the indicated platform.


Moving from ~arch to arch

Moving a package from ~arch to arch is done only by the relevant arch
teams. If you have access to non-x86 hardware but are not on the arch
teams, you may wish to make individual arrangements — the arch teams are
happy for help, so long as they know what is going on. Please note that
x86 is now no longer an exception and stabilisation must be done through
the x86 arch team unless you have individual arrangements — see GLEP 40
for further details.

For a package to move to stable, the following guidelines must be met:

    * The package has spent a reasonable amount of time in ~arch first.
      Thirty days is the usual figure, although this is clearly only a
      guideline. For critical packages, a much longer duration is
      expected. For small packages which have only minor changes
      between versions, a shorter period is sometimes appropriate.
    * The package must not have any non-arch dependencies.
    * The package must not have any severe outstanding bugs or issues.
    * The package must be widely tested.
    * If the package is a library, it should be known not to break any
      package which depends upon it.

For security fixes, the "reasonable amount of time" guideline may be
relaxed. See the Vulnerability Treatment Policy

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