On Sunday, July 31 at 05:44 (+0100), Stroller said:

> Hi there,
> I kinda feel I'm opening myself up for ridicule in asking this, but I'm on 
> x86 "stable" (i.e. not ~x86) and this behaviour seems to have changed 
> recently.
> During a recent `emerge --sync` I received the "an update to portage is 
> available - you're strongly advised to take it" message.
> I'm sure that in the past `emerge -u world` would update portage.
> Now:
> # emerge -up world
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies... done!
> [ebuild     U ] sys-apps/baselayout-2.0.3 [2.0.2]
> # emerge -up system
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies... done!
> [ebuild     U ] sys-apps/baselayout-2.0.3 [2.0.2]
> # emerge -up portage
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies... done!
> [ebuild     U ] sys-apps/portage- [] USE="less%*" 
> #
> The answer to this, for me, is not to move to testing / unstable / ~x86 
> portage. Not on this box, I don't think, at least. I've seen that suggested 
> here in the past as "oh, everyone should be on ~86 / ~amd64 for portage" (is 
> that the 2.2 series of Portage??) and really I don't see the need for myself. 
> The current version really does everything I need, and I'd rather stay as 
> much x86 ("stable") as possible. 
> What I'm really asking for here is a sanity check:
> Is this the behaviour I should be seeing?
> Was I really seeing `emerge -u world` updating portage before?
> I don't really have a problem with `emerge -u portage` then `emerge -u 
> world`, I'm just wondering if that's right.
> Is there a better way to include portage in my regular maintenance updates?

Firstly, regarding the subject line.  Portage isn't in world.  It's in
the system set.

Secondly, I really don't understand the question.  You are in
x86/stable, ok I understand that...  Even in stable software gets
updated.  Portage is a piece of software.  There is an update.  There's
nothing "unusual" about that.

What exactly is the question?

You could choose to not upgrade portage (though I don't know why you
would do that), but that would mean you won't receive any bug fixes it
may have, or take advantage of any new features it introduces.  Or
things may simply not work :D

What exactly are you afraid of?  How long have you been using Gentoo
that you've never had to upgrade portage before?

Or perhaps I'm just not understanding the problem.


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