Michael Schreckenbauer writes:

> On Saturday, 10. September 2011 16:50:30 Alex Schuster wrote:

> > What you need to do is to tell portage you accept the license by
> > putting the >=dev-java/... line into /etc/portage/package.license. Or
> > you could add the --autounmask-write switch to your emerge command,
> > and then use etc-update/dispatch-conf/cfg-update or whatever you use
> > to update the config files.
> Ah. This /etc/portage/package.license thing is new to me.
> I use ACCEPT_LICENSE in make.conf. 
> You know, what's the difference (if any)?

No, I don't there is any. Just like with ACCEPT_KEYWORDS. It's just
cleaner to have this in package.license I think.

The man pages for portage and make.conf have some more information on


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