Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Fri, 16 Sep 2011 22:03:20 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:

In case it helps, here's the relevant part of my fstab:

/dev/sda1           /boot               ext2    noatime,noauto 1 2
/dev/md3            /                   ext4    noatime        1 1
/dev/vg1/home       /home               ext4    noatime
1 2
A word of advice when starting from scratch, give your VG(s) unique
names. I've seen what happens when someone takes a drive from
one Fedora system and puts it in another, so there are two VGs called
vg01. It ain't nice (only one is seen, usually not the one you want).

I prefer to give my VGs names related to the hostname, so it's perfectly
clear where they came from and no risk of name collisions if I have to
attach the drive to another computer.

I did name it pretty well. It is called "test" right now. lol Right now, I'm just having fun. The biggest difference so far is that I can see with my new glasses. I just wish I didn't have arthritis in my neck and could move my head better. It's hard to switch between normal and the bifocal thingys.

I'm getting this LVM thing down pat tho.

cfdisk to create partitions, if not using the whole drive.
then put on a file system and mount.

I still get them confused as to what comes first but I got some pictures to look at now. That helps to picture what I am doing, sort of.

Thanks to all for the advice tho. It's helping. Still nervous about / on LVM tho. :/


:-)  :-)

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