On Saturday 17 September 2011 13:44:39 Alan McKinnon wrote:

> [GUIDs] are not the best thing to work with admittedly, but they are
> guaranteed to be unique for all reasonable human needs. In a world
> when we plug things out of anything and plug them back into anything,
> a guaranteed unique ID is a necessaity.

As I said, I do not expect to move hard disks around willy-nilly in my 
boxes, so it certainly isn't a necessity - I don't have an armada of 
hundreds of boxes here. And I still haven't seen a compelling reason not to 
quote, e.g., /dev/sda3 in fstab. I know where my partitions are and I want 
to continue to know that. Call it control-freakery if you like, but it's at 
the core of sys-admin (if I may say that to you, Alan).

Peter           Linux Counter 5290, 1994-04-23

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