El 22/09/11 22:30, Alan McKinnon escribió:
> On Wed, 21 Sep 2011 16:09:14 +0200
> "Francisco Blas Izquierdo Riera (klondike)" <klond...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>> I wish people wouldn't just remove stuff without full details. If
>>> there's an issue with that code, there should be a bug at b.g.o. and
>>> the Changelog should mention it.
>>> Then folks like yourself can read it and make informed decisions.
>>> As it stands, you have nothing but mystery. Argggg.  
>> Well deprecated version removal tends to happen because we are not
>> going to aim for those versions stabilization AND there is a newer
>> version available AND upstream tends to ignore bugs happening on
>> older versions.
>> What this means for you is that we are not going to force you to
>> upgrade but if something fails you are in your own ;)
>> PS: Next time come by #gentoo-hardened we won't bite you, I promise ;)
> My comment wasn't really directed at -hardened specifically. I've just
> had a belly-full lately of $STUFF being changed at $RANDOM times by arb
> $PEOPLE, and not specifically Gentoo either.
> SO I sounded off a bit and let off some steam. Sorry if it came across
> as directed at your team, that wasn't the intent
Nothing to be sorry about, you really raised a valid point as is that
our teams deprecation policies may not be the clearest out there. And as
a user you deserved an explanation. I'd really hope all the projects
(and not only in Gentoo) tried to justify their decisions when somebody
couldn't understand them.

Anyway even if that wasn't the case, constructive criticism is always
welcome here :D

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