On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Jonas de Buhr <jonas.de.b...@gmx.net> wrote:
>>> between a fully-signed system (Windows 9 / OS XI or so) or a cracked
>>> boot, with little in the way of switching between the two, at least
>>> initially
>>> I know which one I'd pick if it came down to it :)
>>And you really need not worry about it, some geek (Torvalds?) will
>>surely find out a way.
> yes, there will most likely be a technical way to circumvent it. the
> problem is that involved companies might try (and likely succeed) to
> make that illegal.
> the reasoning will be this: it is assumed that you only make that
> modification to run pirated copies of commercial operating systems.
> that you will also need that mod to run free operating systems on it
> will just not count. at least not for commercially offering the mod.
> just look at decss. or playstation mod chips.

I thought this is where we already are?


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