On 10/08/11 13:43, Francesco Talamona wrote:
> x11-terms/rxvt-unicode is one of the program I use the most, today I 
> lost the ability to have multiple tabs and almost panicked.
> I found the solution to have back this essential feature: re-enable 
> "perl" USE flag for this package and re-emerge. 
> Just wanted to share my experience.

I'm going to start a bug-filing campaign against packages like this some
day. The only description we ever get for use flag foo is 'enable
support for foo', which doesn't tell you anything at all about how it
affects a given package.

There are a number of packages with perl and python use flags where
disabling the use flag will silently disable essential functionality. In
my opinion, the use flag should simply be removed rather than have what
amounts to USE=make_it_work_properly.

I agree with the (default) removal of the perl and python flags:


but you should complain about packages that are basically broken without

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