On 10/08/11 15:09, Francesco Talamona wrote:
> I'm not going to complain, though I'm willing to point out (e.g. 
> commenting on relevant bug reports) that some packages are affected in a 
> bad way by this move. 

Comment here? The devs are still CCed even though it's closed:


> To be honest I didn't look for a solution in b.g.o because it was 
> straightforward; even if not so manifest for me the link between the 
> perl flag and the ability for rxvt to run tabbed (given that it doesn't 
> give an error).
> I don't want to be blunt, but your plan looks to me quite vague.
> My opinion is that some packages should have a different default.

That bug is for adding IUSE defaults, rather than removing the flag.

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