On 10/10/11 16:17, Michael Mol wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:06 PM, CJoeB <colleen.bea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Today, I went through the install process, had a couple of issues, but
>> was able to figure them out and got to the point where I was supposed to
>> boot into my new system.  I got the boot menu, the boot process seemed
>> to be okay, but when I got to the point where I assumed I should get a
>> command prompt to finish up, all I got was a weird screen that was half
>> black and half fuzzy with a bunch of colours (sorry, I can describe this
>> any better).  I tried recompiling the kernel thinking it was a problem
>> that I had created during the initial compilation, but that ended with
>> the same result.
>> The computer is a Dell XPS 8300
>> It has a Radeon graphics card, but I wouldn't think this would be an
>> issue until I tried to install X.
>> Does anyone have any ideas?
> Try dropping framebuffer console drivers?
I'll try this, but I REALLY want those cute little penguins that appear
when the computer is booting!  :-)
> Also, what exact model of Radeon?
The specs that came with the computer say its and AMD Radeon HD 6450 1GB




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