On 10/10/11 17:05, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
> Hi, Colleen
>> I'll try this, but I REALLY want those cute little penguins that appear
>> when the computer is booting!  :-)
> Make sure this is configured in your kernel.  The config option ought to
> be called "CONFIG_BOOTUP_TUX", but it isn't - it's called "Bootup Logo"
> and is located at Device Drivers/Graphics Support/Bootup Logo.
> I think you get one penguin for each core your processor has.

Well, still no penguins, but I did get it to boot to the command
prompt.  Still, it's back to the drawing board 'cause now I have an
network issue and I thought I had copied the working
/mnt/gentoo/etc/resolv.conf file to the /etc/resolv.conf file in the
chroot'd environment.

I'll keep plugging away.  Thanks for the suggestions.




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