On 10/16/11 20:38, Adam Carter wrote:
>> BTW, I had forgotten to run 'eselect opengl set ati' which I've always
>> done when configuring X.  However, when I do this, it returns
>> 'Unrecognized option:  ati'
>> You all are probably thinking I'm nuts now, but I thought this my solve
>> the issue as stated about.  I've checked an rechecked the Gentoo ATI
>> Guide and I've done everything it says.
> Try eselect opengl list to show what's available. IIRC ati will use
> fglrx. There may be an option called radeon, which you can used
> instead.
I had already done this and the only option that is listed is 'xorg-x11 *'

The * is actually included in the output and I was too chicken to try
this.  I don't understand why ati or radeon isn't listed 'cause I
followed the Gentoo ATI Guide and X Configuration Guide.




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