On 2011-10-18, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2011-10-18, YoYo Siska <y...@gl.ksp.sk> wrote:
>> From /usr/share/doc/openrc-0.7.0/net.example:
>> ##############################################################################
>> # 
>> # We provide two interface handlers presently: ifconfig and iproute2.
>> # You need one of these to do any kind of network configuration.
>> # For ifconfig support, emerge sys-apps/net-tools
>> # For iproute2 support, emerge sys-apps/iproute2
>> # If you don't specify an interface then we prefer iproute2 if it's installed
>> # To prefer ifconfig over iproute2
>> #modules="ifconfig"
> Apparenty the handbook is out of date.
> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=4&chap=3
>    3.b. Interface Handlers
>    We provide two interface handlers presently: ifconfig and iproute2.
>    You need one of these to do any kind of network configuration.
>    ifconfig is the current Gentoo default and it's included in the
>    system profile. iproute2 is a more powerful and flexible package,
>    but it's not included by default. 


After re-reading those paragraphs a couple times, I've concluded that
the authors are talking about what is _installed_ by default, not what
is _used_ by default.  In my bug report I've suggested that both be

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Make me look like
                                  at               LINDA RONSTADT again!!

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